me: so google, i am goon?
(^translation) google: ya.
me: ok then let’s pepper on some classic warrior spirit to the cocktail.
goon + warrior = hellokitty bangbang
alright so first of all, what y’all visitors should know about me is that i run the entire gamut between the extremes of extroversion and introversion.
i enjoy being holed up like a scandinavian introvert practicing hygge or a pure japanese hikikomori. but on the other hand, i also enjoy nightclub dancing, dionysian-powered parties, talking to strangers, and picking up chicks. one thing for sure though: i wander into my daydreams in no time whenever i’m trapped in small talk.
here, i’ll classify my time say … b.c. (before covid) as my dark ages when i’ve had do singly face the burns of primordial chaos — the birth pains of individuation. i may or may not choose to make stories of this era public from time to time. and I’m gonna be realistic: some if not most posts will probably come across as tad dry but i will post them regardless since my primary motivation here is to journal for my own edification. therefore, i hope those wet spots will feel even better in contrast when you do find them ;).
behold the adventure that cometh now, zarathustra descends from the fortress of solitude!
for patron-guardians who fund adventures from love and/or from ivory towers:
BTC –>