vl: repair MAF sensor

so those guys at motorhead who did my safety cert had tried to get me to pay 620 for sensor that actually cost 170 new from ebay. and after seeing this vid i was confident i could fix the problem for less than third of the price. [april 16] i buy an autel bluetooth car… Continue reading vl: repair MAF sensor

vl: first bite of the cold

[april 18] i parked for the night thinking ‘hey i got a heater it’s going to be sleepably warm’. but boy was i wrong. the buddy heater really did not help. heat rises so i only get the side heat and colder air from convection i am sleeping beside it. also i think carbon dioxide… Continue reading vl: first bite of the cold

Categorized as vanlife

vl: first night

slept in industrial loading zones at back of shops. stealth item: construction helmet, safety vest.

vl: insurance and registration

Insurance hassle: I bought a van, had all insurance forms signed, and did all errands that were requested (i.e. pictures, safety cert) over multiple trips to the seller’s garage. At the end of the process which spanned over a week, the managing owner rejects my application and the sales rep informs me that the company… Continue reading vl: insurance and registration

vl: sprinter van purchase

So I’ve been casually scouring Kijiji for 1st gen sprinters. The listed vans were typically candy-predator rusty white, and/or in another province all together. So when this grey beast showed up in Toronto, I was pretty thrilled. Pretty sure I was first to respond to the Kijiji alert and message the seller. And within span… Continue reading vl: sprinter van purchase

Categorized as vanlife

nl: Fiction Club

Bar244 was pretty dead at 11pm so I crossed the street and I saw a line so I lined up. Chatted up a couple of FOB Korean chicks behind me but when we reached to door as a group they didn’t bring their ID’s lmao. Entry cover was $33 wtf. Indoor layout was pretty lame… Continue reading nl: Fiction Club

chill: ol’ gang outing

Felt nostalgic about buffets we always used to go to when we had teenage appetites. I messaged them on chat and most were down but had to convince one unemployed penny-pincher (u know who u are) with some eloquence. We hit up rock climbing first near the area to build up appetite. I did couple… Continue reading chill: ol’ gang outing

chill: halloween haunt

Paul, Rabina and I went to Wonderland. Flight Deck nice warm up Behemoth waited an hour and half Haunted House ‘maze’ lol so bad. Lumberjack Thunder Run Drop Tower

vl: start of research

ok so in reality i had started researching in the spring after i decided to do vanlife. it was mostly watching various youtube channels, doing the floor plan in my mind, etc. i realized i needed an organizational structure to all this. so sept 21 indicates just the day of my first commit on github.… Continue reading vl: start of research

Categorized as vanlife

vl: on the virtues of vanlife

i’ve decided to do van life after i realized i can’t stop watching those damn youtube videos i surmise here why my psyche finds it captivating: i practiced nomadic mindset. for the majority of my time in uni, i’ve exclusively sublet and lived in new places for 4-8 month periods. i got to try out… Continue reading vl: on the virtues of vanlife

Categorized as vanlife