so those guys at motorhead who did my safety cert had tried to get me to pay 620 for sensor that actually cost 170 new from ebay. and after seeing this vid i was confident i could fix the problem for less than third of the price.
[april 16]
i buy an autel bluetooth car scanner from a thrift shop who listed the model i wanted on kijiji. brand new is like 150 on amazon. i haggled their price from 100 to 75 because the box was open.
[april 17]
i use scanner to get faulty codes.
i do the grunt work of pulling out old sensor from rubber seals. dad oversees the work.
bam! no more MAF codes. note that the other codes that come up are related to the glow plug #4 that i have already been told is bypassed. a minor issue that is relevant only during engine ignition.
[april 18]
my dad also noticed oil is lower than minimum level so i get ‘mobil 1 ow-40’ and he poured it in.